The Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) Guidelines Initiative was designed to address the lack of published guidelines for Comparative Survey Research. Specifically, the aim of the Initiative was to develop and promote internationally recognized guidelines that highlight best practice for the conduct of comparative survey research across cultures and countries. The intended audience for the Guidelines includes researchers and survey practitioners planning or engaged in cross-cultural or cross-national research.. The University of Michigan ISR Survey Research Center (SRC) and Survey Research Operations (SRO) have played a major role in creating and supporting these guidelines. The initiative was launched by Beth-Ellen Pennell (U of Michigan) and Janet Harkness (U of Nebraska).
The Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines are based on (1) survey methods, cross-cultural, and comparative literatures, (2) published study-specific manuals and other documents, and (3) authors’ and reviewers’ experiences with numerous comparative surveys. Best practices are dynamic and are expected to evolve over time. As more comparative surveys are conducted, the aim is to incorporate the lessons learned from these studies into the Guidelines. New methodological research will also inform modifications to the Guidelines.
Here is the link to the guidelines CCSG (Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines).