Hans Bay has been the Director of the Survey Department of the Danish National Institute for Social Research since 1998. From 1995-1998 he was chief statistician at Gallup Denmark, before which he held positions at GfK Denmark and A.C. Nielsen. He has a degree in mathematical statistics from Copenhagen University. He is involved in several key European surveys, such as the European Social Survey, and was one of the prime movers of the International Conference on Improving Surveys (ICIS) in Copenhagen in 2002. In a recent research project, he developed two-dimensional maps of opinion questions with a view to comparing opinions across countries.
Jörg Blasius is professor of sociology at the University of Bonn. Until 2001 he was Assistant Professor at the Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, University of Cologne. His research interests are exploratory data analysis, especially correspondence analysis, methods of empirical social research, urban sociology and the sociology of lifestyles.
Siobhan Carey is Research Director in Social Survey Division of the Office for National Statistics. She has conducted large scale surveys mainly in the field of health and education and was research director for the British survey in the International Adult Literacy Survey programme. She also led the international research programme on the conduct of the IALS following publication of the results from the first round of countries.
Juan Diez Nicolas is Professor of Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid, and President of ASEP. He is also member of the European Academy of Sciences and Letters, member of the High-Level Advisory Group on Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures of the Mediterranean (personally appointed by the President of the European Commission), member of the Executive Committee of the World Values Survey Association, and member of different scientific and advisory committees. He is presently involved in different international research groups, such as the World Values Survey, the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, and the International Social Survey Programme. He held several offices of high political responsibility during the full length of the political transition period to democracy in the governments of Adolfo Suárez. As former Director of the Technical Department and Secretary General of the Public Opinion Institute (IOP) (1963-69), he is one of the main characters appearing in the book IOP / CIS, Entrevistas a sus Directores y Presidentes, published in 2004 in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of this institution. He has published 25 books and more than 200 articles, the latest of the books being: El Libro Blanco sobre la Enfermedad de Alzheimer y Trastornos Afines (2002), La Inmigración en España: Una Década de Investigaciones (2001), La Voz de los Inmigrantes (2001), and Identidad Nacional y Cultura de Defensa (1999).
Karl Dinkelmann is Business Systems Analyst for the Survey Research Centers (SRC) Survey Research Operations at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research (ISR). Karl has been the Senior Programmer Analyst and technical advisor for the developmental activities of the World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys Initiative. The WMH Surveys Initiative is cross-national epidemiological mental health research project involving 28 participating countries. The questionnaire marks the first major revision to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) since 1995. The unique nature of the CIDI is its capability of assessing mental disorders for the two different systems most widely used in world: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) and the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10). Karl’s research interests include leveraging technology for cross-national data documentation related activities and reducing the need for ad-hoc solution made by data archive producers by redefining innovative ways of capturing and integrating data archive requirements earlier in the survey’s lifecycle.
Brad Edwards is a Westat Vice President and Associate Director with extensive experience in large-scale survey management and design. He is the project director for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), a major new longitudinal survey of a cohort of 13,000 babies born in the U.S. in 2001, using direct child assessment methods combined with computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI). Data are collected from the sampled children as well as their parents, child care providers, and (eventually) their schools. Mr. Edwards is also the corporate officer for the ECLS Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 and the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS). In the early years of the MCBS (a decade ago) he provided close direction for the CAPI development, instrument design, and interviewer training tasks. He has also led two corporate efforts at Westat: (1) developing a set of guidelines for audioCASI, and (2) coordinating design standards for Blaise applications. Research interests include usability of data collection software, the use of incentives in surveys, quality of survey data collected from language minority populations, and methods for including language minorities and other relatively rare groups in surveys.
Patrick Festy is a research director in the National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED, France). He heads the International Comparisons research unit. He has co-ordinated various European research projects, including a recent evaluation of the comparability issue in the three waves of family and fertility surveys conducted in Europe since the 1970s under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva.
Eleanor Gerber is a Social Science Analyst at the US Census Bureau since 1992. Her research interests include coverage, privacy and confidentiality, race and ethnicity and ethnographic studies to support the decennial census. Prior to her work at the Census Bureau, she taught anthropology at George Mason University in Northern Virginia.
Peter Granda is Senior Research Associate and Assistant Director for Collection Development at the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) located at the University of Michigan. He also manages one of ICPSR’s topical archives, the International Archive of Education Data. He has a postgraduate degree in History (India) and spent several years of study in the southern part of the subcontinent. He now assists researchers who work with comparative data. Along with colleagues at the Zentralarchiv in Koln, he established a partnership to process and distribute Eurobarometer surveys for secondary analyses.
Reto Hadorn is in charge of the development and maintenance of the data archive department at SIDOS, Neuchatel. He studied sociology at the University of Lausanne. He is mainly interested in an systemic approach to social reality and especially communication, in interpersonal relations in the context of group relations or institutional structures, and the wanted and unwanted effects of educational interventions on people.
Janet A. Harkness is Germany’s Programme Director of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) at ZUMA. Her survey research and publications focus on survey translation and translation assessment, text and discourse research relevant to questionnaires, and survey quality monitoring. She heads the translation expert panel in the European Social Survey. Her Master’s Degree was in Comparative Medieval Studies, her doctorate in linguistics and cultural anthropology.
Christian Holst graduated in political sciences at Free University Berlin in 1991. From 91-1996: Collaborator of Prof. H. Rattinger (University Bamberg, Georgetown University) in a project on German attitudes on Foreign and Security Policy. Ph.D. thesis on “Subjective Security and Threat Perception”. From 1997-2000: research executive in the department of Political and Social Research of INRA Deutschland. 2000-2002 Head of Department of Political and Social Research of INRA Deutschland. Since June 2002 Director Public Affairs /Political and Social Research of Ipsos GmbH (formerly: INRA Deutschland). Responsible (among others) for the German part of the Standard Eurobarometer, cross-cultural research on religion and democratic transition, political elites, decision-makers.
Lilli Japec has been a survey methodologist at Statistics Sweden since 1989. For the past eight years she has been with the R&D Department. Areas she has worked in include Labour Force Surveys and salary and wages statistics; she also spent six months as a national expert for Sweden at the Director General’s Office at Eurostat. Research areas of particular interest include data collection, interview surveys, nonresponse, and quality management. Ms Japec is currently finishing a doctoral thesis on interview quality issues.
Uwe Jensen is MetaDater project manager at the German Central Archive for Empirical Social Research at the University of Cologne. He is also responsible the ZA Internet coordination, the GESIS Internet editing, and member of the GESIS Internet Project group.
Dominique Joye has been Director of SIDOS, the Swiss data archive since 1999 and is Associate Professor of Methodology for the Social Sciences at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. He is currently working on the realisation and analysis of a number of cross-national studies in Switzerland (ISSP, ESS, Euro-barometers in Switzerland) with a strong emphasis on the question of quality in the surveys. His substantive interests center on social inequality, urban sociology and statistical methods (cf. Andersson, Harri, Gertrud Jorgensen, Dominique Joye, and Wim Ostendorf (Eds.). 2001. Change and Stability in Urban Europe: Form, Quality and Governance. Ashbury: Ashgate).
Sabine Klein trained as a political scientist before joining a national survey project on attitudes towards self-defence at the Technische Universität Dresden and ZUMA. She is currently a member of the International Social Survey Programme team at the European Centre for Cross-Cultural Surveys, ZUMA. Her research interests focus on survey modes, in particular mail surveys in the national and international context, and questionnaire design.
Achim Koch is director of the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) and is a member of the Central Coordinating Team of the European Social Survey (ESS). He has been working as a social scientist at the Center for Survey Research and Methodology (ZUMA) in Mannheim since 1986. His major research interests are survey methodology and social monitoring.
Ruud Luijkx is Lecturer in Sociology at Tilburg University. He graduated in Social Sciences Methodology and Sociology and he wrote a dissertation on “Comparative loglinear analyses of social mobility and heterogamy” (1994). He has published numerous articles on inter- and intra-generational mobility and homogamy. He is a member of the European Values Study team at Tilburg University, in particular responsible for delivering the EVS 1999 survey to the public domain and creating an integrated EVS data file for the waves 1981-1990- 1999. Together with ASEP/ JDS (Madrid – World Values Team), he is preparing an integrated EVS-WVS data file for the period 1981-2000.
Lars Lyberg is a Chief Scientist at Statistics Sweden. Formerly he was Head of the Statistical Research Unit (1983-1987), Head of the International Research Unit (1988-1992), and Head of the R & D Department (1993-2000) at Statistics Sweden. He received his Ph.D. from Stockholm University in 1981. Since 1985 he is the Chief Editor of the Journal of Official Statistics. He is chief editor of Survey Measurement and Process Quality (Wiley, 1997) and coeditor of Telephone Survey Methodology (Wiley, 1988) and Measurement Errors in Surveys (Wiley, 1991). His main research interests are non-sampling errors in surveys, data quality, and organizational quality. Peter Lynn is Professor of Survey Methodology at the University of Essex and was previously Director of the Survey Methods Centre at the National Centre for Social Research. Peter specialises in all aspects of quantitative data collection methodology and has published widely on topics including survey non-response, weighting, data collection mode effects, respondent incentives, advance letters, sample design and survey quality. His full CV is available at www.iser.essex.ac.uk. Currently, Peter is associate director of the UK Longitudinal Studies Centre. Current research interests encompass measurement error, non-response error and sample design – especially in longitudinal contexts.
Ekkehard Mochmann is the administrative director of the German Central Archive for Empirical Social Research at the University of Cologne. He is member of the GESIS-Board, Representative of the Council of European Social Science Data Archives – CESSDA, the International Federation of Data Organizations for the Social Sciences – IFDO, and the European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR.
Peter Ph. Mohler is Director of ZUMA, a member of the Board of Directors of GESIS (the German Social Science Infrastructure Association) and professor at Mannheim University. His major research interests are comparative survey methodology and computer-assisted text analysis. His most recent publications are on comparative research, background demographics, survey documentation and content analysis.
Yuling Pan is a sociolinguist who works in the Statistical Research Division of the US Census Bureau. Her current research interests include survey translations, pretesting of translations, cross-cultural communication, and language and cultural issues in survey research. Before joining the US Census Bureau in 2002, she was Managing Director of the Asian Sociocultural Research Projects, and Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University. She has also trained US diplomats at the Foreign Service Institute of the US State Department and has taught linguistics and cross-cultural communication at the undergraduate and graduate level in the United States, China, Hong Kong, and Finland. She is the author and co-author of two books and numerous journal articles in the field of sociolinguistics.
Beth-Ellen Pennell is the Director for Operations and Planning for the Division of Surveys and Technologies at the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Ms. Pennell is also a member of the Center´s Survey Methods Program and a frequent contributor to the Center´s training programs in survey methods. Ms. Pennell serves as a special advisor to the World Health Organization and Harvard University on the World Mental Health 2000 Project (WMH2000). Ms. Pennell coordinates the developmental activities and oversees the implementation of the WMH200 project which involves the conduct of general population epidemiological studies in 25 developed and developing countries worldwide. Ms. Pennell received her Master´s Degree in Applied Social Research at the University of Michigan in 1997.
Manuel de la Puente has almost 20 years of professional experience conducting applied social research in the private sector and in the federal government. Currently he is Assistant Division Chief for Survey Methodology in the Statistical Research Division at the U.S. Commerce Department’s Census Bureau in Washington, D.C. Dr. de la Puente’s current research interests and publications focus on how to improve the quality of survey and census data obtained from households whose dominant language is Spanish or another major minority language in the US population, including. how to best achieve translation of Census Bureau surveys from English into other languages.
Martine Quaglia is a study engineer, in charge of survey methodology within the survey department of the National Institute for Demographic Studies. After several years of collaboration as an interviewer for polling institutes, she completed a post-graduate diploma (DEA) in sociology a the University of Paris, Jussieu. For the last ten years, she has mostly worked as a field supervisor, trainer, co-ordinator, on INED surveys concerning topics such as homelessness (Marpsat and al, 2002, Marpsat et Quaglia, 2002), and, more recently, drug addiction (Emmanuelli and al., 2002). She has contributed to the national survey on people using services directed toward the homeless conducted by INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) in 2001, in charge of co-ordinating the survey for the Ile de France and planning and detailing training for regional project directors and interviewers (Quaglia, 2000, 2001).
Beatrice Rammstedt is Senior Project Director at the Center for Survey Research and Methodologies (ZUMA) in Mannheim. Dr Rammstedt’s main research interests focus on personality structure and personality assessment and cross-cultural similarities and differences in personality dimensions. Her recent publications contribute to these research areas.
Nina Rother is a researcher in the EUfunded project Pioneers of Europe’s Integration ‘from below’ (PIONEUR) at the European Centre for Cross- Cultural Surveys, ZUMA. A psychologist, she is mainly interested in international comparative research on attitudes towards immigration. She is also working on a doctorate on this topic, using ESS data.
Melanie Sauer studies Education, Psychology and Economics at the Ottovon- Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany. She is currently spending three months at ZUMA as an intern and is working on transcripts of interviews with translators and on content analysis of open questions.
Evi Scholz graduated in political Science at University Mannheim in 1992. From 1992-2000 she was researcher in several international comparative projects (on European parliaments, European elections studies, Eurobarometer) of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) and the Zentrum für Europäische Umfrageanalysen und Studien (ZEUS) at the MZES. Since she has been 2001 member of the ISSP work group at ZUMA. She is mainly interested in international comparative research, especially in background variables.
Alisú Schoua-Glusberg is a cultural/ linguistic anthropologist. She uses qualitative techniques for improving questionnaire design, including focus groups, cognitive interviews and ethnographic interviews, specializing in the use of these techniques with Hispanics in the US. Dr. Schoua- Glusberg has pioneered new approaches to instrument translation, a topic on which she has written and presented widely. She has been responsible for design and implementation of data collection strategies and procedures in technically and technologically sophisticated longitudinal and crosssectional surveys, at NORC, Harvard University, Metro Chicago Information Center and Impaq International. She is General Partner at Research Support Services, a small consulting firm she founded in 1996.
John. H. Smith trained as a political scientist before taking up a career in the field of science administration and policy at the Economic and Social Research Council, London, UK (1976- 84), and the European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, where he was Head of Unit for the Social Sciences (1985-2000). Based in Vienna from 2000-2003, Dr. Smith was Executive Director of the Institute for Human Sciences until December 2001. He then worked as a Research Consultant with contracts undertaken for the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture; the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research; ZUMA, Mannheim; and the European Commission Directorate-General for Research. Since October 2003 he has been based in Lisbon, Portugal, as a Gulbenkian Foundation Visiting Professor in European Science Policy at the Instituto Superior De Ciencias Do Trabalho E Da Empresa (ISCTE) of the University of Lisbon.
Richard Topf is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for Comparative European Survey Data, London Metropolitan University. His research, teaching and professional affiliations reflect his long-standing interest in both substantive and methodological aspects of political science research. He has been responsible for producing a number of electronic datasets including ZA Study 1684: Cumulative Eurobarometer survey file: 1973-91; ICPSR & ZentralArchiv, 1992; British Election Studies Information System (BESIS) on CDROM, published and distributed by UK Data Archive, 1996; British Social Attitudes Information System (BSAIS) on CD-ROM, commissioned by then Social and Community Planning Research and distributed by CCESD (1998), now on-line at http://www.britsocat.com; German Social Survey Information System (ALLBIS) on CD-ROM, commissioned by German Data Archive (ZA, Cologne), 1998; and Eurobarometer Information System (EUROBIS) on CD-ROM, ‘proof of concept’ prepared for ICPSR, Michigan (1999).
Stef van Buuren is head of the Dept. of Statistics of TNO Prevention and Health. He runs European projects to improve cross-national comparability of health data in de EC, and devised a new postharmonization technique, Response Conversion, for enhancing comparability. One of his interests is to lay out minimal conditions for comparability, including methods for defining, measuring and testing it.
Karl M. van Meter holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Social Sciences and French Literature) from the US, an Honours Degree in Pure Mathematics from the UK and a Doctorate in Ordered Algebraic Structures from France (Université Paris VI). He has done research for UNESCO, the US, Germany and France and is published in those countries. He currently does research at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris and directs the bilingual Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (BMS).
Fons van de Vijver has a chair in cultural psychology at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. His main interests are in the areas of methodological aspects of cross-cultural studies (analyses of bias and equivalence), test translations/adaptations, cross-cultural differences and similarities in cognitive structures and processes, acculturation, and relationships between individuallevel and country-level char-acteristics. He has published widely on these topics. He is Editor of the Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology.
Christine W. L. Wilson is a lecturer in the School of Languages, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Christine developed the British Sign Language/English interpreting programme there which began in 1996. The programme focuses primarily on interpreting activities in public sector settings – medical, educational, legal, social services – and in political and business settings. She is also involved in the developing training courses for trainers of sign language interpreters and initiated the Heriot-Watt summer programme of CPE interpreting courses. She is responsible for the design and management of customised interpreting courses commissioned by private corporations and other organisations for their staff. She has provided training for the Scottish Police in “working with interpreters“, worked with the Scottish Crown Office on training interpreters to work in court and on training procurators fiscal to work with interpreters and leads a funded research project to develop a computer-based study facility and resource for interpreters working in the public sector. Her current research activities focus on the quality of communication in public service interpreted encounters (face-to-face and remote communication by videoconferencing link), investigating both cognitive and non-cognitive features of communication.