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Using Cross-Cultural Cognitive Pretesting for Questionnaire Testing Cognitive Pretesting of Sensitive Questions for Cross-Cultural Surveys: Methods and Challenges Patricia Hadler, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences  Mixed-Method Approach for Understanding Scale Performance in a 3MC Context Kristen Miller, National Center for Health Statistics Considerations for Cross-Cultural Questionnaire Testing and Lessons Learned Patricia Hadler and Natalja Menold, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Questionnaire Design                                Ingroup Bias and Its Implications for Using Visual Images in Computerized Surveys Sunghee Lee, University of Michigan  Measuring Subjective Health and Life Satisfaction with U.S. Hispanics Sunghee Lee, University of Michigan  Data Quality and Comparability in Survey Data Harmonization Comparing Two Measures of Education Harmonized Ex Post: Levels of Education and Years of Schooling Marta Kołczyńska, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences Inter-survey Variability of Corruption Measures: Implications of Harmonization Procedures Ilona Wysmułek, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences  Validity and Comparability of the Education Measures in the European Values Study 2008 Verena Ortmanns, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences  Looking for Ways to Characterize Countries Politically and Economically using Longitudinal Data Claire Durand, Université de Montréal  Comparative Standard Demographics                When Standard Wording for Language Spoken at Home does not Work Standardly across Languages Marjorie Hinsdale-Shouse, RTI International  Survey Experiments on Income Non-Response in Cross-National Surveys Steve Schwarzer, Pew Research Center                                                                                                                Questionnaire Translation in Theory and Practice: Challenges, Solutions – and New Ideas? Translating Questionnaires for Cross-national Surveys: A Text Genre and its Particularities Dorothée Behr, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences  TMT: Questionnaire Translation Management for Large International Studies. Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead Brita Dorer, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences  Memory Lane – A Repository and Online Search Engine of Legacy Materials in Large-scale Multilingual Surveys Andrea Ferrari and Manuel Souto Pico, cApStAn  SERISS Experiment for Testing Close versus More Adaptive Questionnaire Translation Approaches: First Results from the Translation Sessions and from the Field Brita Dorer, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences  Training Translators for a Multi Country Study: Lessons Learned Alisú Schoua-Glusberg, Research Support Services Interviewer Falsification Interviewer Effects and Undesirable Interviewer Behavior Ineke Stoop, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP Identification of Falsifications in Surveys – a Link to the Cross-Cultural Context Natalja Menold, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences Issues of Privacy and Legal Restrictions around Survey Research Third Parties in Face-to-Face Interviews: Qualitative Insights from 4 African Countries Leenisha Marks, RTI International Investigating Face-to-Face Interview Privacy Perceptions and Preferences Zeina Mneimneh, University of Michigan Freedom to Publish Public Opinion Research: Findings from a 2017 Worldwide Survey Tim Johnson, University of Illinois at Chicago  Sampling Approaches in Cross-Cultural Research                Sampling Schemes and Survey Quality in Cross-national Surveys Marta Kołczyńska, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences OnDemand Sampling Hub for CATI Projects Globally Carsten Broich, Sample Solutions BV  Using Big Data to Sample Ethnic Minorities in Western European Countries: Muslims Carsten Broich, Sample Solutions BV  Strategies to Reduce Nonresponse in Cross-cultural Surveys Worth the effort? An Examination of Recontact Strategies in F2F and Telephone Surveys Steve Schwarzer, Pew Research Center  Boosting Response and Minimizing Selection Bias: Recent Experiments Carried out in a Push to Web Survey across Europe Tanja Stojadinovic, Ipsos MORI  Quality in Cross-cultural Surveys                Improvements in Survey Quality over Time: Lessons Learnt from Eurofound’s Pan-European Surveys Since 1995 Daphne Ahrendt and Sophia MacGoris, Eurofound  Assessing Quality of Survey Processes and Outputs: The 4th European Quality of Life Survey Julie de Jong and Kristen Cibelli Hibben, University of Michigan  Paradata Use in Cross-cultural Surveys Use Item-Level Timestamp Paradata for Multi-Country Comparison Shulin Jiang, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, Gates Institute Using Paradata to Monitor Interviewers’ Instrument Navigation Behavior and Inform Instrument Technical Design: Case Studies from a National Household Surveys in Ghana and Thailand Yu-chieh Jay Lin, University of Michigan Improving Cross-National Survey Research by More Coordination and Collaboration across Comparative Survey Research Projects               Considering Cooperation Beyond Europe. Opportunities and Challenges for the European Social Survey Rory Fitzgerald, City University London  Comparative Studies: A Proposed Agenda for Future Collaboration Lars Lyberg, Inizio  Response Quality      Identifying of and Dealing with Item Nonresponse in Open-ended Questions in a Cross-national Context Katharina Meitinger, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences  Questionnaire Answer Agreement: A Method to Detect Lurking Problems and Increase Data Quality James Pringle, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health    Mixed Methods and Survey Modes Using In-depth Interview at Interviewees’ Homes with Nationwide Quantitative Survey for Understanding Southeast Asian Lifestyles Midori Aoyagi, National Institute for Environmental Studies What Mobilemanaging Phone Survey Mode Produces the Most Representative Data? A Comparison of SMS, IVR, and CATI in Nigeria Leenisha Marks, RTI International   Data Collection Challenges                A Mechanism for Understanding the Effects of Repeated Survey Research on Communities: Findings from a Qualitative Study of PMA2020 Surveys in Burkina Faso Shani Turke, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Gates Institute Managing Production and Quality issues in Large Scale International Assessments Dealing with a Rare Target Population: Out-of-School Youth Survey of PISA-D in Paraguay Veronica Heilborn, Directorate for Evaluation of Quality of Education, Ministry of Education and Science (Paraguay)  Innovative Approaches in Survey Implementation – Overcoming Data Collection Challenges in U.S. PIAAC Nina Thornton, Westat  Looking Back and Looking Forward: From PIAAC and PIAAC-Longitudinal in Germany to PIAAC Cycle 2 A Zabal, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
